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Marriage counseling

Marriage, Relationships

Why Marriage Counseling Might Not Be The Best Solution

(2 Minute Read)

Nothing quite prepares you for how hard marriage can be.

We spend around 15 years of our lives preparing to join the workforce as a contributing member of society, yet may only spend a few hours in pre-marriage counseling before committing to spend the rest of our lives with someone.

We often assume that we can get through anything because we love one another, but the reality is that we need a special set of skills to help us navigate marriage and to cultivate a happy and healthy relationship that gets better over time.

There comes a time when we realize that we are not adequately equipped and that we need help with our marriage. At this stage many people will look for marriage counseling services (often with one partner less than keen to go... maybe even kicking and screaming).

Dr. Lee H. Baucom, PhD started out as a "traditional" marriage counselor but was really frustrated with the low rate of success. He found that even the best marriage counselors only have a success rate of around 20%.

Using his extensive experience and findings speaking to many couples, he developed a program that would help save marriages without having to spend hours in marriage counseling and a fortune in fees.

Impossible as it may seem, I have created techniques which transform relationships… even when only one person is trying!

Dr. Lee has seen many couples get back together, even when it seemed hopeless, as they followed his step-by-step system for saving marriages.

So how exactly can you start taking steps towards not only avoiding separation or divorce, but transforming your marriage into one you never dreamed possible?

Take a look at Dr. Lee's specialized marriage program here.

He will teach and guide you, drawing from his 20+ years of experience in marriage therapy and seeing many couples happily reunited.

Dr. Lee holds two Master’s degrees and a Ph.D. in marriage and family therapy, so we know he knows what he's talking about.

Some of the things you will learn:

💍 The top 5 mistakes people make when they face a marriage crisis

💍 What to do, what to say, and what to avoid to save a marriage

💍 Why true intimacy is easier than you think and how to get it 

You could even begin the process of saving your marriage in less than an hour (possibly less than 10 minutes depending on your internet speed).

We look forward to hearing your love stories 💖


Save The Marriage

Content Includes

  • 4 Major Misconceptions About Saving A Marriage

  • The 8 Distinct Stages Of A Marriage Crisis (With A Specific Strategy For Each Stage)

  • How To Work Towards The Marriage Of Your Dreams (Once You Know It's Possible)

  • Help For Marriages

    Save The Marriage


    Any products, programs, or personal recommendations made in this or any email communication from our company for 3rd parties will likely result in some form of compensation from said 3rd party. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions online.